Dubai is the second major city of the United Arab Emirates a
newly industrialised country, (like Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong) where possibilities are endless but the skilled talent pool in our industry is very small both from the agency and client side. There is a shortage of specific skills in the industries that are growing the most (banking, services...etc) or require highly skilled professionals (Manpower, 2008).
Csikszentmihalyi (2008) has a theory on happiness that is based on matching high skills with complex challenges, its called the 'Flow' theory. He says that when an individual has low skills and faces low levels of challenge, he will feel apathy. If the challenges become higher, he will feel worry and anxiety. If the skills instead become sharper but the challenges remain low, the individual will face boredom.
What I takeaway is that challenges are not very high in Dubai within the creative industry, because the pressure to perform well is not there from an agency or client side. This in turn breeds feelings of apathy, boredom, worry and anxiety and limits the possibility to feel arousal, control, relaxation and flow (which is the state Csikszentmihalyi links to happiness at work). I identified lack of flow in the individuals I spoke to and in my personal experience - it was apathy and boredom at work that helped me look for a new challenge at Hyper Island.