Culture and leadership are perceived differently by individuals, companies and industries which is why asking questions to different sources will be important to clarify ambiguities on both topics. The data gathered will be qualitative including personal opinions and individual experiences from industry professionals with culture and leadership. A strong research methodology will help me select the right methods based on what I am trying to find out.
The main research questions being:
• Should leaders design culture?
• Can anyone design culture?
I am looking to find if
anyone in a leadership position should can support culture and if not why it keeps happening. On the flip side I'm looking to prove that
anyone in an organisation can design culture. I want to know why it hasn't been done this way before and how it can be done moving forward.
Strong research methodology comes from having clear questions and an understanding and selection of methods available to fulfil those research needs. According to Easterby‐Smith et al (2012) designing a research methodology beforehand is crucial for the success of a project. In 2014, Easterly Smith and Abbariki drew out four features of research design which are closely related but distinct:
Ontology: How we construct reality
Epistemology: Set of assumptions about how to investigate the world
Methodology: The full combination of techniques used to run this research
Methods and techniques: individual techniques for data collection
Based on Easterby‐Smith et al (2012)'s four types of ontology ("realism, internal realism, relativism, nominalism") and the two extremes of epistemology (positivism and social constructionism), I identified the following about myself and this research:
I have a relativist ontological positioning. I believe there is more than one truth and facts depend on the perspective of the observers. In this project I would like to explore different people's ideas of what culture is and how it could be designed. I'd like to look at the point of view of different kinds of employees and leaders.